About Us

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Transport anything from anywhere


Duraville Logistics

Not every international shipment will get charged customs fees. Taxes, duties and brokerage fees are customarily paid by the receiver (although you can choose to pay them). We can estimate your duties and taxes, but final costs are determined at the point of entry

Duraville Logistics provides a digital solution for the Logistics industry. We eliminate the typical manual processes (multiple emails, long phone calls, chasing down trucks and invoices) and replace them with one centralized platform for all logistics needs. Our online services and automated processes shorten booking time to minutes, reduce manual errors, and provide track & trace technology, making shipping simpler and more efficient.

We support all palletised and bulk tank transport. Please contact us for any specific requirements.

Duraville logistics operates under country-specific freight forward industry terms. We are members of Logistics and Freight Association. Duraville logistics can also offer specific insurance cover on request

Duraville Logistics is a platform that allows businesses of any form with readily available shipments to transport anything anywhere.

There is no license fee or monthly subscriptions for signing up or access. Duraville Logistics charges transaction fees and commission on shipments.